Few weeks back, an information got to us about the young man, we have been taking care of for some time now, that he was beaten by a man in his 40s for no just cause.
On getting the sour news we had to go to the community to make our findings, it actually came out that the warrior hadn’t committed any offence, reports said that the man warned him not to see him on the neighborhood where his carer stays that ” the sight of the warrior puts him off” and that’s why he had to beat him with a mop stick to the point of the warrior almost passing out.
With this maltreatment the warrior got, we the community youths informed and laid a complaint at the police station, the community youths apprehended the villain and publicly trashed him and made him to pay for damages and the police and our welfare officer went to the villain’s abode and left a stern warning, saying that the issue is registered and eyes are on him…. Another warrior had previously complained about the same community and the rate of stigmatization they have to face specially with their leg ulcer they dealing with.
Advocacy is one of our core aims at ASCF, and we won’t condone any maltreatment, bullying etc on our warriors’.
It’s enough that we have to live with the disorder and its complications, the least people can do is to be nice, not to emotionally or physically torture or maltreat the one who needs sincere care and support.
We hope that this doesn’t repeat itself in the community, because if brought to our attention, we would take it up… If people can’t be genuinely nice, they should stay off it’s that simple.
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